Saturday, June 21, 2014

What is Transformers ?

Rather i would like to ask the question Who is transformers. Well i know if you have logged in to this site mean you are an expert in transformers. But i consider it is my responsibility to educated you all little about the transformers and their world.

Transformers is first developed by two toy companies called " Takara Tomy " from japan and " Hasbro " America in 1984 . The stories were based on alien robots that fights with each other for power , peace and lot of other reasons. Mainly these robots are related with the vehicles in the human world and they have a good ability to turn into a vehicle as well as semi vehiclized robots .

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There were two groups in transformers . Autobots and decepticons. Both of these robots were inherited from a world called Cybertron and They were conquered many worlds including earth. But The Autobots had eventually come to their senses and they had decided to live in peace . But the decepticons were never stop conquering other worlds and no one able to stand against them So to stop this bulling Autobots declared war with the decepticons .

Throughout the transformers series , its all about these two type of robots clash with each other for  , honor , freedom , peace and for the well being of other planets .

There were series of
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  • Comic books
  • Cartoons
  • Movies
  • Games
and Audio tracks build around the story line. But it was not the end. Eventually it took lot of teens mind and i personally know there were lot of teens imitating transformers using social networks , role playing and creating a Transformers culture with this.

I build this website to help these who are involving the the transformers culture anyhow and support and helping them to continue their transformers journey with the best and cheapest items in the market.

Cheers all.

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